Port and Transport Economist with almost 3 0 years of professional experience in consultancy and strategic business development for more than 100 port and transport projects worldwide. Specialized in market studies, project evaluation and privatization of ports and terminals Mrs. Milberg advised governments, international financing institutions and private investors in the Middle East, Latin America, South and South East Asia, Europe and Afri c a. Closely bound with this kind of projects is a considerable working experience in the development of new port and transport infrastructure on the basis of different PPP schemes, such as BOT, BOOT, FOT, FOOT or concessions and long-term lease contracts.
Throughout her career, Mrs. Milberg worked with a number of international banks and financing organizations, such as Worldbank, IFC, ADB, KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wie deraufbau), DEG (German Organisation for Investment and Development), the European Commission, the Governments of Germany, Greece, Egypt, Costa Rica, Pakistan, Timor Leste and the Philippines.