Yann Pierre Albert Livulibutt Yangari

Yann Pierre Albert Livulibutt Yangari

Consultant - Oil, Gas and Energy Transition Economist, Conseil National du Plan d'Accélération de la Transformation (PAT), Gabon

Graduated in Economics and International Relations at the University of

Verner Ayukegba

Verner Ayukegba

Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber, South Africa

Over 15 years of professional experience acquired predominantly in banking

Cany Jobe

Cany Jobe

Director of Exploration & Production, Gambia National Petroleum Corporation, Gambia

Cany is a strategic and dedicated project management expert and

Jocelyne Machevo

Jocelyne Machevo

Senior Energy Expert, Mozambique

Jocelyne Machevo is an award-winning Mozambican energy professional with an

Dr. Riverson Oppong

Dr. Riverson Oppong

Manager - Commercial Operations, Ghana National Gas Company, Ghana

Dr. Riverson Oppong is an experienced Oil and Gas Business

Nabil Jedaira

Nabil Jedaira

Senior Business Development Manager, Électricité de France (EDF), Morocco

A proven track record of well over a decade in

Rana Alnasir-Boulos

Rana Alnasir-Boulos

Director Business Development, EITEP Institute, Germany

After her studies of International Information Management (Magister Artium) at